Walk Walk Walk Walk Walk Walk Walk Walk Walk!
I wouldn’t be “worth my salt” if I didn’t encourage you to include WALKING AS PART OF YOUR PERSONAL WELLNESS ROUTINE.
Walking and Resistance Training – it’s a GREAT combination.
Walking is EASY, BODY FRIENDLY, FLEXIBLE, and GREAT FOR THE SOUL. The following is a simple one week plan that has been modified from Walk Off Weight, by Michele Stanten, and Walk Yourself Slim, a Rodale Publication.
Interval Walk 30 min 15 Min Strength Workout | Speed Walk 20 min | Interval Walk 30 Min 15 Min Strength Workout | Speed Walk 20 Min | Interval Walk 30 Min 15 Min Strength Workout | Long Walk 45 Min 15 Min Strength Workout | Rest |
LONG WALKS: 45 minutes to an hour at a moderate pace.
SPEED WALKS: You’ll maintain a high intensity for the entire session, striding as if you’re late for an important appointment.
INTERVAL WALKS: Alternating fast and moderate/easy bouts of walking. (1 minute at a moderate pace: 30 seconds FAST pace)
STRENGTH WORKOUT: 2 times through the resistance machines, plus 2 floor/core exercises, without cardio breaks. OR- choose 2 upper body, 2 lower body, 2 core and 2 cardio exercises. Set a timer – Cycle 1: perform each exercise 30-40 seconds with a minimal break between of 5-10 seconds. Think STRONG with intensity then – give yourself a good 1 minute rest between cycles. Repeat the cycle 3 times.
Pay attention to FORM- eyes up – ear, shoulder, hips, heels one straight line!
Good Walking Posture:
- Stand Tall 😊
- Keep your chin UP and your EARS IN LINE WITH YOUR SHOULDERS
- Look 6-10 feet in front
- Keep shoulders down and back
- Imagine a headlight on your breastbone – shine it forward
- Keep arms relaxed, swing from the shoulder, pumping forward and back
- Bend elbows 85-90 degrees
- Cup hands loosely, pump forward – not across the body
- Keep abdominals flat
- Tuck your pelvis slightly, pulling belly button towards spine
- Swivel hips
- Keep knees soft and pointed forward
Determine Your Pace:
Based on an average stride length of 2 ½ feet
70 steps/minute = 30min/mile = 2 miles per hour
105 steps/minute = 20min/mile = 3 miles per hour
140 steps/minute = 15min/mile = 4 miles per hour
Scope out your route – Pack pepper spray – Walk in a small group or with a friend – Brighten up- during the day wear orange, red, and yellow. Wear reflective clothing or place reflective tape on clothing after dark – Follow pedestrian traffic regulations.
OATMEAL in a HURRY: Grab 7-10 sealable jars and fill each with one serving of dry oatmeal, pinch of salt, CINNAMON, and brown sugar (just a little). Put the lids on the jars, and store. When you roll out of bed, grab a jar, add water, pop in the microwave, drizzle with milk and you’re on the way! Breakfast for several days – one prep time.
Have a WONDERFUL WEEK! Keep Moving!!!