Woo Hoooo Here We Go!

SET YOUR GOALS:  What do you want to achieve in the next 8 weeks?  Grab a pack of sticky notes, write down your goals, put them in places where you will be reminded of your goals regularly.

Keep in mind…set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, and time-bound.

Fiber:  Aim for 25-30 grams of fiber/day. 

Good sources: apples, oatmeal, ground flaxseed. Other sources include fruits/vegetables with skin, and whole grains.

Add fiber gradually with plenty of water until your body adjusts.  Fiber helps regulate blood sugar, cholesterol, and digestion.

Water: Our needs vary based on age, size, activity level, and the environment. The following formula is from Dr. Oz Magazine, April 2016.

Your weight_______ ÷ 2.2= ________

Multiply that #, depending on your age


Younger than 30

______x 40 =______


Ages 30-55

______x 35 = ______


Older than 55

______x 30= _______


Divide that sum by 28.3

Your total ounces/day =_________

Vitamins:  Look for vitamins with a USP seal of approval. I always recommend a good multi-vitamin and a B-complex.

Shoes: Put your hand in your shoes and check the wear.  Can you feel indentions where your toes have pressed the insole?  Are your shoes breaking down on the inside or outside of the outsole?  Are they more than 6 months old?  Get a new pair of shoes!  A balanced foot is essential to prevent injury.

Bodywork: Schedule a massage or reflexology appointment in the next 8 weeks. We have an excellent selection of local, professional therapists.  Choose one that fits you. 😊

Toothbrush:  Replace your toothbrush if it is more than 3-4 months old or if you have been ill.  Routinely douse your toothbrush in peroxide after brushing teeth.

Meditate: Insight Timer – a free meditation app – was rated #1 by Prevention Magazine. Play meditative music, follow specific guided meditations, bookmark your favorites to play again.  Check your settings for privacy.  The app is available worldwide.

Stand TALL: Give your internal organs room to do their job! Slouching compacts our core minimizing space.  Our tummies protrude and organs are displaced.  Literally stand up tall for part of your workday.  Balance your body weight on both feet.

COLOR: Choose to eat food with a variety of color. Light a candle on your desk, paint, or add a bouquet of flowers. Add color to your life…Color = happy 😊

KEEP MOVING!!! Commit to at least 30 minutes a day…everyday. Commit to at least two days of resistance exercises each week. Cardio – do 10-15 minutes at a time if you need to, but MOVE.  Your heart rate needs to be at a training level.  Check the chart in the gym or go to cooperaerobics.com for an individualized formula from the Cooper Institute.

“I move my body in ways that make me feel vibrant, healthy and full of life. I take deep breaths to welcome in a new, fresh energy.”   Messages for the Soul, byTanaaz Chub 

KeepingTrack: Keep track of daily food consumption by taking pictures of your food on your phone, writing in a journal, or filling in the blanks of a pre-made form.  Just keep track!. No counting, or passing judgement. Just keep track!  Keep track of the minutes you move daily.  Just keep track!

Check the message board: I’ll be posting articles, information, and forms that will support your success on the message board in the gym. 😊

Recently someone asked me about a good healthy snack…My answer…chocolate 😊

Here is one of my chocolate hacks – a healthier version of chocolate. I don’t know the exact amounts…they change each time as I add or subtract ingredients. But it sooths my yearning for a candybar. 😊

Chocolate Almond Bark

1 C semi-sweet chocolate chips


Deluxe Mixed Nuts

You can add pretzels, sunflower kernels, or dried fruit as well.

Melt the almond bark and chocolate chips in the microwave. Pour over cheerios and nuts. Dump everything out onto waxed paper let cool, break into chunks.

Enjoy Today!

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